We facilitate change, growth and innovation through the use of Data & Analytics, Strategy & Alignment, Collaboration & Engagement, Communications & Change Management, Leadership Resources, and Grant Management.

Do your staff or grantees bemoan all efforts at data collection? Does the data you collect provide useful information and the ability to analyze your impact? Let us help you realize that data is more than a necessary evil, and assess how you are collecting and utilizing your data to provide powerful information on effectiveness and performance.
- Current State Assessment: Reviewing what data you collect, how and why you collect it and how it is used for reporting. As a result you will have a streamlined data model and documented processes that ensures data integrity and reporting consistency.
- Using Data to Tell Your Story: Working with your teams to identify opportunities to use existing or new data to convey the impact of your work. We can design qualitative and quantitative research methods to suit your needs, including but not limited to focus groups, in-depth interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and comparative studies . This will provide a road map for your organization to define and implement the necessary data collection techniques.

Is your organization operating at its fullest potential? Do you have a a group of people, doing a lot of good work, but not necessarily marching to the beat of the same drum? How are you approaching new opportunities for growth and impact? Let us help you raise your thinking to the next level by defining the change you want to make in the world.
- Defining Your Vision and Aligning Your Work: Working closely with your team, we will craft a vision, define goals, and develop key metrics as a guide for implementing your strategy. Our approach will provide you with a strategic summary and reporting framework to align the work of your organization and communicate your progress.
- Implementing and Tracking Your Progress: Vision, goals and metrics are just the beginning. Let us help you implement and track your strategic vision through progress reviews, reporting, and annual goal development.

In your work, do you identify individual, or community needs that would move the needle, but are outside your scope of services? Let us help guide you through collaboration exercises that will identify solutions to the multifaceted issues facing your communities.
- Collaboration Starts at Home: Through intake and upfront communication, we can help address not only the most pressing issue but also identify the underlying needs of the people you serve. We will develop a methodology for serving and engaging with your community by ensuring access to ALL the resources your organization has to offer, using structured intake processes, information sharing and people-centered approaches.
- Creating Greater Impact Together: We’ll work with communities, partners, and networks to identify population-level needs and issues, define and document contributing factors and bring all together around a common goal and aligned engagement. Each partner brings to the collaboration its best skills, coordinating services with each other to minimize overlap, to holistically serve each person and improve the health of the communities where they live.

Being in service of others is layered, complex work. Explaining what you do and how you do it may not always be easily articulated. Your story – who you are, what makes you different, why that is important – is vital to ensuring your community understand your support, but ensuring that your stakeholders and funders understand the impact you and your teams are making every day. Our expert communicators can help ensure that people remember YOUR story to help them grasp what’s complicated and unique about your organization.
We can help you develop:
- Narratives and Elevator Speeches
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Toolkits for Staff, Volunteers, and Partners
- Key Messages, Talking Points, and Speech Writing
- Copywriting
- Press Releases
- Meeting or Retreat Content Support

Do you ever feel like a party of one? Are you expected to come up with creative ideas for staff retreats and board meetings? Do you wish you had a trusted mentor or adviser to bounce ideas off of, with no vested interest in the outcome? Being the leader of a nonprofit organization can be lonely and can pull you in a million different directions. Sometimes you just need somebody to lean on!
- Meeting and Retreat Facilitation
- Executive Coaching
- Leadership Development
- Executive and Leader Recruitment
- Media and Message Training

Our team specializes in crafting compelling grant proposals tailored to the specific requirements and priorities of funding agencies. We meticulously research funding opportunities, articulate project objectives, outline budgets, and incorporate evidence-based strategies to maximize success rates. We are here to help pull this together for you in the way of:
- Grant Opportunity Identification
- Proposal Development
- Recording, Compliance, Monitoring, and Evaluation