Meet Our Team

Our team specializes in a variety of cause-related areas including legal aid and community services, food equity and insecurity, racial equity, financial health, education advocacy, elder justice, domestic violence, LGBTQAI+ support and others.

Gretchen Slusser
Gretchen SlusserPresident
Gretchen is the President of thredpartners, a Chicago-based management consulting firm she co-founded in 2004. With over 20 years of experience as a subject matter expert in the areas of project and program management, data analytics and continuous improvement, coupled with a passion for developing creative solutions, she has been a leader in driving change inside organizations of all sizes and focus areas. Gretchen’s desire to affect real change in the community and to provide opportunities for those who need it most is what drives her today. She uses her experience as a management consultant coupled with her learning and success as an Executive Director at Cabrini Green Legal Aid (CGLA) to manage a wide array of Board, committee and staff dynamics to solve complicated challenges through collaboration, leading to resolution and organizational cohesion. Gretchen serves as the Board Chair for the Fragile X Association of Southern California.
Nancy Bukovac
Nancy BukovacProject Coordinator
Nancy joined thredpartners in 2020. After moving to California in 2017 she began a new life venture and began working with children with special needs. In that, she learned so much about that community including the endless amount of joy within. She is currently working closely with nonprofits in Chicago that are fighting food insecurity within their communities. She is passionate about her work and is excited to continue her work helping underprivileged communities.
Joseph Mole
Joseph MoleSenior Consultant
Having spent 20 years working with nonprofits of different shapes and sizes in Chicago and Atlanta, Joseph is driven by a dual passion for racial equity and economic justice. Throughout his career, he has served in various leadership roles in organizations, including serving twice as an Executive Director. One of the highlights of his career was being selected by the Annie E. Casey Foundation for the Atlanta Leaders for Results program in 2014, and he brings a results-based lens to our strategic planning and facilitation team at Thredpartners. In 2018, Joseph transitioned to the financial sector, where he is committed to helping everyday people realize their hopes and dreams for financial success. The common thread for Joseph is and has always been the experience of seeing people and leaders from all walks of life overcome barriers to live the lives they’ve only dreamed of while making a positive impact in the world.
Kathy Krenger
Kathy KrengerPartner
Kathy passionately believes in the power of transformative communications as a strategic tool to help make organizations the best versions of themselves – and to drive impactful results. She has held a broad, diverse range of leadership roles, inside complex global corporations and agencies with expertise in stakeholder engagement, reputation management, transformation, and integrated marketing. Kathy has now merged her over award-winning business acumen with her lifelong passion for philanthropic service to bring insights-driven, impactful solutions to nonprofit organizations seeking to move their mission forward. Kathy serves on the Board of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Canine Therapy Corps and on the CCO Advisory Board for MAHA Global.
Beth Johnson
Beth JohnsonSenior Consultant
Beth is an agent of change. Her fourteen-year legal career has focused exclusively on removing barriers caused by arrest and conviction through fierce legal representation, collaboration with strong partners, and systemic change efforts to transform laws and policies that result in far too many obstacles for individuals. Beth was born and raised in the nonprofit world and joined thredpartners with a deep understanding of the joys and challenges that come along with service to others. She brings that skill set to strengthen other nonprofit organizations in reaching their vision and potential. Beth’s legal career launched and grew at Cabrini Green Legal Aid (CGLA), where she worked for fourteen years in a variety of roles including staff attorney of the Criminal Records Program, Director of Legal Programs and Senior Policy Advisor. Beth serves on
the Board of Directors of Community Renewal Society.
Errol Harris
Errol HarrisOperations and Project Support
Errol is a multifaceted entrepreneur with a track record of successful business endeavors in the Atlanta area. Errol is at home from coast to coast, having lived for significant periods of time as far east as New Jersey and as far west as Seattle. Today he calls Atlanta home, but also spends a significant amount of time in the Midwest. Errol thrives in the details, enjoys planning and strategy, and is energized by finding solutions to complex problems. He brings this passion to the operational side of thredpartners, streamlining processes and systems and serving as a primary contact to team members in multiple locations across the United States. Whether it’s a business challenge or a societal one, Errol is a critical thinker who is able to look underneath the surface to identify solutions and efficiencies to help clients and organizations achieve their goals.

“We proudly partner with nonprofit organizations…”

Our Passion is Making Your Passion a Reality.

We do this by walking in our Mission – to bring business solutions to nonprofit passion – and by living our Values:

Practice Kindness

Always and everywhere, even if you’re not watching!

Always be Teaching & Learning

It’s in your best interest and ours to ensure your team benefits from our engagement now and in the future, as we will benefit from you.

Have Fun

It’s your passion, so let’s enjoy it together!

Deliver Results

Without results, you can’t be successful and fulfill your passion.  You will see the benefits of working with us.

Foster Engagement

You already have the answers, and we are here to help you unlock them. Together, we will achieve success and ensure everyone’s voice is heard.

Give Back

It’s core to who we are. Our communities benefit from your work. We believe in you, and we believe in the people around us. Anything we can do to make that easier, more impactful, and more effective is the gift that keeps on giving.